Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The End of Childhood as we Know It.

So... I haven't posted in forever, I've been hanging out with friends a lot lately and haven't had time to do blogging or be on the computer in general. 

I leave in 10 days... off to college, I should be way excited but I'm more sad then anything.

Since I have time today I'm updating y'all on all the events that have happened that I have pictures of. Smiles.

Harry Potter. Everyone and their mother read those books... everyone except me. 
I do enjoy the movies however and since all my friends are Happy Potter fanatics, I went to the midnight premiere. I mean who doesn't like to sit in a line for 14 hours hearing kids yell and bitch to their friends about who is cutting in line and blah blah blah. 

I decided to dress terribly because my sciatica was acting up really bad. But my Boy, and my Bester dressed cute enough for my lack their of. 

Enjoy. <3

Gross. I'm really weird. I know
Eddie is here!! She is Adorbs.
Cutie Bester. Chocolate Covered Honeycomb <3. The Boy. Weird Face.

So this was a super fun, again, don't have outfit post. They will come soon!!! I promise! 

Song of the Moment - Raining Men - Rihanna Ft. Nicki Minaj

1 comment:

  1. My favorite picture is the one before the "Eddie is here" picture. :)

    Love and miss you.

    <3, V

