Thursday, January 26, 2012

What's Been Up.

I'm in Colorado yo! 

Dude. It is BE. AU. TIFUL. here. Smiles. 

So many trees. Nice weather. And no BYU. I am content. 

All I really need now is to find a freaking job. This is a smallish town though.. so there aren't many places to work at. AND it is winter. And in Cali winter means nothing. But in Colorado, winter means businesses are slower... meaning they don't hire new people during this time. 

If I got a million dollars for ever time I heard "You can come back in the spring, we'll be glad to hire you then" I would never have to work again. [I hate that saying "if I had a nickle for every time I heard..." because honestly if you are only getting a nickle every time you hear it.. even if you hear it 1000 times... you don't have THAT much money... just saying... that is a stupid saying.]

Enough of this talk. 

Basically my to do list is:

1. Make money.
2. Move back to Cali.
3. See my friends that I miss so much! <3

Stuff if good right now. Smiles. 

Song of the Moment: Pure Silence.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly...

So yesterday and today have brought about a ton of changes in my life.

The Good:

1. The 2nd was my lovely bester's 20th birthday! (Only 1 more year till the fun begins)

Happy Birthday Vic! I wish I could have spent the day with you. (And she looks Amaze)

However before I left we had a little party for her (I will post pictures later) 

2. Another amazing thing, is that TODAY is my man's 19th birthday!!! I wish I could be there with him but I am just glad he is having a good birthday! 

I love you honey! Happy Birthday!!! <3

The Bad:

I recently decided to take a break off from school. I am really just not happy where I am, and I also am not really sure what I want to do in life. I know that by doing this people will probably look down on me, but to be honest I don't care. I really just feel that I need to take this time to find myself. I think that I have been so focused on grades and school for the past 12 years that I kind of lost who I was and became a person that I really don't like. I think that this break from school will be a good thing. So actually this is not a "bad" its a "good". I am really scared right now... but I think in the end it will all work out for the best and everything I want in life (once I figure out what I want) will happen for me. But for now I need to work on myself.

The Ugly:

Since I am leaving school, I need a new place to stay. ha. So instead of going back to Cali, I am going to live in Colorado with my dad for awhile. Its going to be weird, cold, and cramped, but I think it will be good for me. And hopefully I will be able to get on my feet and move to Cali really really really soon!

That is all for now guys.

Thanks for listening. 
